Our 100+ patents guarantee that customers receive the necessary protection in the commercialization of end products containing the DAO enzyme, granting them a unique legal protection no other supplier can offer.
DR Healthcare is world leader in DAO technology with more than 100 Industrial Property patents worldwide.
DR Healthcare's DAO Industrial Property covers the treatment of DAO Deficiency and its DAO enzyme associated pathologies.
DR Healthcare's Industrial Property protects the exclusive use of the DAO enzyme in a wide number of diseases and its galenic formulation worldwide.
adiDAO® is an authorized “novel food” for use in Food supplements and Foods for special medical purposes in EU.
adiDAO® Veg is a plant-based ingredient authorized for use in food supplements.
El valor más destacado de DR Healthcare es la investigación, con el objetivo de proporcionar a la sociedad alimentos funcionales innovadores que contribuyan a mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas que padecen déficit de DAO y sus patologías asociadas.