
Dietary Active Ingredient DAO Enzyme

DR Healthcare, a division of ABbiotek Health, holds more than 100 patents covering the use and application of Diamine Oxidase. Our enzyme significantly improves the quality of life for people with DAO Deficiency.

As a leader in DAO technology, we market two variants of the DAO active ingredient under the trade names adiDAO® and adiDAO® Veg.

These two active ingredients are suitable for the formulation of a variety of products, such as food supplements and foods for special medical purposes. They are also suitable for incorporation into different solid or liquid food matrices. Our active ingredients are all indicated for the dietary management of DAO Deficiency.

Thanks to ceaseless research in the extraction and purification of the enzyme, our active ingredient DAO is more efficient since it has greater enzymatic activity and stability.

We are pioneers in understanding Diamine Oxidase and are backed by more than 15 years of research and development. We have a specific GMP-compliant enzymatic facility for the exclusive production of the active ingredient of animal- and plant- origin DAO, with physically separated production units.


Histamine in food

Several foods provoke histamine accumulation in the organism, but not all are necessarily rich in this amine. High intakes of foods rich in other amines such as putrescine,

Que es el Déficit de DAO
What is DAO Deficiency?

DAO Deficiency is an alteration in the metabolism of food histamine that occurs when the activity of the Diamine Oxidase (DAO) enzyme is reduced. That is, when for

Histamine in food

Several foods provoke histamine accumulation in the organism, but not all are necessarily rich in this amine. High intakes of foods rich in other amines such as putrescine,

Que es el Déficit de DAO
What is DAO Deficiency?

DAO Deficiency is an alteration in the metabolism of food histamine that occurs when the activity of the Diamine Oxidase (DAO) enzyme is reduced. That is, when for