
Legal notice


This Legal Disclaimer sets out the terms and conditions governing access to and the use, by any person (the “User”), of the content offered on the website at https://dr-healthcare.com/ (the “Website”), which is the property of DR Healthcare España, S.L.U. (“DR Healthcare”).

Access to this website or its use by the User necessarily implies that the User accepts and will be subject to this Legal Disclaimer. It is therefore recommended that the User read the contents of this Legal Disclaimer each time he or she opens the website.

DR Healthcare reserves the right, at any time and without the need to give any kind of prior notice, to make any change or update to the content and services offered on this website, its general terms and conditions and, in general, any of the elements relating to its design and layout.

Access to and use of the Website

Users access the Website at their own exclusive liability. The content and services offered on the Website are intended to provide information on the activities engaged in by DR Healthcare and the services that it offers.

DR Healthcare will make all reasonable resources available to ensure that the content and services included on its Website are accurate and up-to-date. However, it is not in a position to be able to guarantee this circumstance at all times.

DR Healthcare also does not guarantee the absence of computer viruses or other harmful elements on this website. It shall therefore not assume responsibility for any potential damage, irreparable alteration or error that may be experienced by the User’s IT system or that of related third parties (hardware or software) as the result of the presence of any virus, when the User visits or uses the website.

DR Healthcare shall not accept liability for any damage that may be suffered by the User’s IT equipment as a result of the User’s improper or negligent use of the Website.

Intellectual property

All the content forming part of this website, without exception or limitation of any kind, i.e. the information, articles, data, texts, logos, icons and pictures shown on the website, along with its design and image (external appearance or “look and feel”), video files, audio files, databases and computer applications, are the property of DR Healthcare or are operated under licence from the third parties who own the intellectual and/or industrial property rights over the aforementioned content. They are protected by the intellectual and industrial property legislation currently in force.

Any kind of reproduction, distribution, public communication, transformation, downloading and, in general, any act involving the exploitation of all or some of the content from which the website is constructed (images, texts, designs, indices, forms, etc.) is forbidden, along with exploitation of the databases and software required to allow the website to be viewed or operated, unless this has express prior written authorisation from the holder of the relevant exploitation rights.

Users may create a private copy of the content, solely and exclusively for their own personal use. Any other use or exploitation of the aforementioned contents will require prior written authorisation from the holder of the relevant exploitation rights. Specifically, Users are prohibited from reproducing, distributing, publicly communicating (including the right to make available), fixing, transforming, collecting and, in any other way, exploiting the content shown on the website without obtaining prior written authorisation from the holder of the relevant exploitation rights.

Industrial property

All the DR Healthcare trademarks, logos and distinguishing marks shown on the website are the property of DR Healthcare or are used under licence from the third party owners of the intellectual and/or industrial property rights pertaining to the content in question, and they are protected by the Spanish and international legislation that governs intellectual property.

The DR Healthcare.es domain has been registered by DR Healthcare. This domain name may not be used, without express prior authorisation, in connection with other services that do not belong to the domain name’s owner, in a way that may cause confusion among our customers or bring discredit to the company.

The reproduction (except for temporary downloading from the website to the User’s hard disk or to proxy servers), copying, use, distribution, re-use, exploitation, making of second copies, forwarding by email, transfer and modification of any of the distinguishing marks that are mentioned above and are found on this website is forbidden, unless express authorisation is obtained from the owner of these marks.


Any hypertext link, deep link, frame or other kind of virtual connection via the telecommunications networks from any website or URL address (“links”) to the Website must be authorised in advance and in writing by DR Healthcare, and the link in question must always land on the Website’s home page. DR Healthcare wishes to make it clear that any links from its own Website to external (third party) websites are solely provided for information purposes, the aim being to provide Users with alternative information sources that they may find of interest.

In short, DR Healthcare does not assume any responsibility for the content of such external websites or any other aspect relating to them.

The Information Society and Electronic Trading

The provision of services via this Website is governed by Spanish Information Society Services and Electronic Trading Act 34 of 11 July 2002, and by Spanish Act 3 of 5 December 2018, on Personal Data Protection and Guarantees for Digital Rights.

General information relating to this website:


Registered Office: C/ Escoles Píes, 49 principal, 08017, Barcelona (Spain)

Telephone: +34 935 533 692

Email: info@dr-healthcare.com

Registry Details: Barcelona Mercantile Registry, Volume 39,400, Sheet 71, Page 34,990, Entry No. 1.

Tax Code: B64482177

Applicable law and jurisdiction

This Legal Disclaimer is subject to Spanish law.

For the resolution of any dispute which may arise from accessing the Website, the User and DR Healthcare expressly agree to submit to the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, and they hereby waive any other general or individual jurisdiction to which they may be entitled.


Histamine in food

Several foods provoke histamine accumulation in the organism, but not all are necessarily rich in this amine. High intakes of foods rich in other amines such as putrescine,

Que es el Déficit de DAO
What is DAO Deficiency?

DAO Deficiency is an alteration in the metabolism of food histamine that occurs when the activity of the Diamine Oxidase (DAO) enzyme is reduced. That is, when for

Histamine in food

Several foods provoke histamine accumulation in the organism, but not all are necessarily rich in this amine. High intakes of foods rich in other amines such as putrescine,

Que es el Déficit de DAO
What is DAO Deficiency?

DAO Deficiency is an alteration in the metabolism of food histamine that occurs when the activity of the Diamine Oxidase (DAO) enzyme is reduced. That is, when for